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The IDF Widows and Orphans Organization was established in 1991 and operates on the basis of the Fallen Soldiers’ Families Law, with the aim of supporting and empowering the widows and orphans of fallen servicemen of the IDF and other security personnel, and to create a supportive community for bereaved families.
The IDFWO is the the representative body for widows and orphans at the legislative level and in the face of the wider public, and through year-round programs, projects and activities it offers emotional, social, financial, and any other necessary support.
Our message is sharp and clear: The IDF’s widows and orphans are not alone and we, along with the entire Israeli public, remember and respect the inconceivable price they and their fallen loved one have paid for Israel’s security.
The organization operates as a democratic entity with elections occurring every four years, when 50 members are elected to serve in a general assembly. The executive board is elected from the members of the assembly, with the chairperson at its head. As the body responsible for managing the organization’s affairs, the executive board examines the needs of the widows and orphans and submits proposals to the Ministry of Defense for the improvement of existing regulations. The board is also active in the government and Knesset to initiate legislation on various issues concerning the public promotion of the widows and orphans.
The IDF Widows and
Orphans Organization will perform its duty out of a sense of responsibility and
commitment to the bereaved community of widows and orphans of fallen servicemen
from the IDF and other security forces, through a display of professionalism,
courteousness, patience, open-mindedness, and innovation. The organization will
work towards accommodating emotional, social, and financial needs of the widows
and orphans; it will represent the issues concerning widows and orphans to the public
and to decision-makers and will promote a sense of belonging by creating a
strong, supportive community.
IDFWO Ambassador, Czech Republic
Tami Shelah’s involvement in the community spans many years as an active member of the Widow Supports a Widow program. In 2012, she was elected to serve on the executive board, and she has served as the organization’s chairwoman since 2016. Tami is the widow of the late Lt. Col. Udi Shelah who was killed serving as a fighter pilot and commander of a fighter squadron in the Yom Kippur War. Tami and Udi established three generations of fighter pilots, the youngest of whom serves in the same squadron his grandfather commanded. Tami works day and night as a full-time volunteer with tireless dedication to the widow and orphan community.
Board member
Widow of Lt. Col. Yisrael Gat, who fell in 1990
Believing in your ability is already half the journey; I believe.
Board member
Widow of Sgt. Major Aharon Sela, who fell in 2007
Mark your goal and conquer it with all your might.
Board member
Widow of Maj. Yosef Meydan (Dadon), who fell in 1984
You just need the desire and to strive, to dare, always looking forward with your head held high.
Board member
Widow of Sgt. Harel Zacharia, who fell in 1974
Courage does not always emerge with a roar; sometimes it’s just a small voice at the end of the day that says, “I’ll try again tomorrow.”
Board member
Widow of Sgt. David Thurston who fell in 1982
Love, smile, and give: It moves mountains.
Board Member
Widow of Master Sgt. Reuven Nefesh who fell in 1981
life is not a journey of searching for oneself, but of creating oneself with giving and smiling.
Board member
The son of staff sergeant Shibel Ibrahim who fell in 1993
The ability to give of oneself, leading change for the benefit of the orphans and the widows and the success of the organization are a great privilege.
Director of Organizational Development
Director, International Relations
Accounting Manager
Project Manager
Project Manager
Otzma Project Director
Resource Development Associate
Project Manager
Project Manager
Project Manager